A review by popthebutterfly
Beware the Violet by Maria Vermisoglou


Disclaimer: I received this ebook from the author. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: Beware the Violet

Author: Maria Vermisoglou

Book Series: Eulogimenoi Series Book 1

Rating: 3/5

Recommended For...: romance lovers, fantasy

Publication Date: October 31, 2019

Genre: Fantasy

Recommended Age: 18+ (violence, slight gore, romance, sexual content)

Publisher: Indie Published.

Pages: 323

Synopsis: Discovering supernatural creatures are real is one thing but learning I have powers and learning to use them is quite a feat.
My name is Violet Webb. I live in a small town that nearly worships Halloween but I hate it. I can't wait until I graduate and get as far as I can from that silliness.

Everything changed when I followed the white rabbit. I ended up in a Realm full of vampires, fairies, witches and every creature possible.
Oh, Did I mention Jacques?

The hot shapeshifter with the French accent that makes me see rabbits everywhere?
Now what?

Some bloody lady of Fate gave me a prophecy to get home. The only problem is that I must defeat the darkness before it swallows both of our worlds.

Can I go through without making the ultimate sacrifice?

Review: This was a good book for the most part. I thought the plot was interesting and the story was well done. The characters were also interesting and I was able to connect with them.

However, I did feel like the book was too slow and the world building could have been better.

Verdict: It was good, just needs work.