A review by emmylee04
The Riddle by Alison Croggon


This book continues Maread's journey to save the Light, discover the Tree Song and find herself. It's a rather standard Chosen One fantasy novel with characters that make it interesting and memorable enough to continue on. I am a huge fan of Cadavan and really wish the narrator was slightly more omniscient and would give us more in sit into his background. As with the last book in this series, the major issue is pacing. This book is 500 pages, but could easily be less than 400. There are entire sections where very little happens and the author almost overwhelms with detail in some parts.

My secondary issue, though, is with the visit to the Winter King. While I did love him as a character, I did not buy Maread's feelings for him at all. This is a girl who for 900 pages of series so far has been terrified to love anyone, including the nice young men she encounters along her journeys. And yet put her in a dungeon, back to being a slave and boom - love. I didn't get it.