A review by meganwintrip
The Body by Stephen King


Gordie, Chris, Vera and Teddy.. four boys from Castle Rock, Maine, heard about a young guy called Ray Bower who was apparently killed by a freight train and left there for dead. The boys decided to go on an adventure and find the body for themselves after Vern who was the blabber mouth of the group, was hiding under the porch at his house listening to his brother talk about it with another friend.

The boys walked for miles and miles to find the body; almost getting hut by a freight train themselves, hit by lightening and not to mention being eaten by leeches.

After finding the body Vern's brother and his friend turn up and they go apeshit that Vern is there, they know he was spying on their conversation. They also turned up with Eyeball Chambers (Chris' older brother) and local bad boy Ace Merrill.

Ace tries to act all sweet and caring to convince the four boys that they have dibs on the body first. The boys don't like that at all and they stand their ground and put them in their place... well arguing with them, taking the piss out Ace's mom oh and not to mention Chris pulling out a gun and shooting near them to get them to back off.

I really loved this short story, it's written like Gordie is telling the story. The story and the descriptions are really well written, you can picture what is going on.

I suggest you give this book a read!