A review by samiism
The Wrong Side of Right by Jenn Marie Thorne


3.5 stars

I finished this faster than I thought. Probably in under 4 hours, which is impressive since I also finished another book ([b:Bringing up the Bones|645152|Bringing up the Bones|Lara M. Zeises|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1176689401s/645152.jpg|1751949]) in under an hour and got through 66% of [b:The Jester|13157|The Jester|James Patterson|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347270829s/13157.jpg|2513115] in under 3. I'm on fire today.

This book was pretty good. The characters were well-developed. The main character, a seventeen-year-old girl, was not bitchy, unrealistically badass, or overly-emotional as most female young adult MC's are. I like Kate. She's tight.

I also like how this novel didn't focus on girls liking boys. Sure, there was a little thing sprinkled in there, but it wasn't the main driving point. That's so refreshing. Too refreshing...because I don't know what happened to that guy in the end.

This was a good read.