A review by hallieday
Poor Mouth: A Bad Story about the Hard Life by Flann O'Brien


Never got around to reviewing this at the time of reading it so almost a year later I suppose I shall immortalise my thoughts on it, although I don't particularly have a lot to say.

Enjoyable train-ride-journey material, and I read it in two or three days if I recall. Inspiring use of location and character as is customary with O'Brien it would seem based on The Third Policeman and At Swim Two Birds as well, especially with the character who lived underwater and the mountain that the protagonist climbed.

I feel that the ongoings in the house became a tad repetitive overtime, although possibly intentionally, but thankfully the shorter length of this book made it more of a non-issue. I'm excited to pick up a Flann book again shortly and finish his repertoire of novels.