A review by poser360
Charmingly Yours by Liz Talley


Not to be cliche, but this book was very charming. If you are looking for something with a happy ending to pass your time, this is a book for you. I received this book during a giveaway and I have finally finished it. Due to a long list of to-read books and other unforeseen circumstances, I did not get around to reading this book until now.

Charmingly Yours is a story about a young Southern woman who leaves her small town in Mississippi and travels to NYC to break up the monotony that has become her life. After her friend's death, Rosemary leaves Morning Glory, Mississippi to travel to the Big Apple in order to live a dream that her friend never had a chance to. While there, Rosemary finds Sal, a sexy Italian cook who wants to be something other than what his family wants him to be.

Like some readers, it did take me a little while to actually get into the book. I honestly did not like it after the first chapter but decided to persevere; I am glad I did. I think the two main characters, Sal and Rosemary were solid characters. I loved their chemistry from the start and I think that is what got me invested in the story.

As for the other characters, I cannot say I liked them as much. I think it is because they fit the stereotypical mold too much. The parents in the story were too much and did not feel real to me. Patsy too much of a helicopter mom and do not get me started on how closed minded and overbearing Sal's parents were. Also, the author kept bringing up Rosemary's southern roots and I started to wonder if she thought I was going to forget.

The only other real characters (besides Sal and Rosemary) were Angelina, Jess, and Eden. Please don't shoot me, but I would love to read a story about Angelina finding love. She is a total witch (replace the W with a B) but for some reason I would love it if she found happiness.

With all of that sad, I did really enjoy the book. If Liz Talley set out to write an entertaining romance novel, she succeeded. I wholeheartedly recommend this book.

P.S. Ms. Liz Talley if you read this, I would like to learn more about Angelina. I really think there is a story there :)