A review by worldofbookcraft
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas


more like throne of ass dude this book sucked

- im not over how stupid the scary kings sword is named NOTHUNG
- cel’s just soooo edgyyyy and arrogant but at the same time is like “waittt but the guards imprisoning me have cute eyes omg”, how do you do, miss mary Sue
- my brother in Christ, like the third person got found with their brains and guts removed in a creepy ritual NOT HOURS AGO, but let’s go to a ball and danceeee tee hee make it make sense
- I wanna be kicking my legs and blushing, the romance is so nonexistent boring next!! I don’t want like 20 year old royal boys, I want a 500 year old hot creature MAN
- just plot wise it was so predictable and they still had to be like, “so you WERE using the signs to heal me?” No shittt
- assassins blade was at least fun to pick up, this was a chore
- and the floor was glass, and the walls were glass, and the ceiling was glass, and -

Maybe if I was 12 I would’ve enjoyed it u kno. Apparently SJM was 16 when she started writing this and u can tell

Anyway I unfortunately have been collecting this series since high school and own 7/8 so continue I must