A review by dajoyofit
Accidentally Dead by Dakota Cassidy


A great light and fun read. This 2nd book follows potty mouth Nina who just doesn't know when to shut up. But she has a big heart under her tough exterior.

The book is filled with a handful of great quotes. And a good laugh. I love dry sarcastic and random humor, and like the first book in this series, this one kept the laughs coming.

At this point I love Marty, Nina & Wanda. These gals and their stories would make for a pretty good sitcom, I think.

If you're looking for something fun and light, this is a good one to add to your list. Just don't expect too much. The series doesn't take itself seriously and neither should we. Take it for what it is: good silly fun, and you won't be disappointed. Its not heavy or loaded with a heavy plot. Its a light read that'll leave you grinning.