A review by cherryredsreads
Badd to the Bone by Jasinda Wilder


Where to begin???

Seriously Author Jasinda Wilder has blown my cherries to bits in yet another amazingly written book in this series.

Brock Badd had my heart soaring into new heights!

I'm ready & will fly & land wherever Brock is. 

Instantly I fell hard for Brock's handsomely sexy, alpha but total sweetheart of a man who now has some competition with the other Badd Brothers.

Claire is one catch that Brock is willing to reel in and never let go. 

Can Claire let Brock all the way in and not just sexually?

Their chemistry is beyond the horizon hot.  When you think there can't get any hotter, they do and believe me you will be needing to dive into an ice cold pool to cool off.

You will laugh, cry, and damn this story totally hit me hard because I could relate to some of Claire's storyline with her family.  I felt her pain right along with Brock.  

There is plenty of sex, emotional moments, and of course plenty of other Badd brothers thrown into the mix to keep you totally in a Badd Beefy sandwich.

Find out if Claire will be able to soar to her highest limit with Brock when she thinks she can't go any higher.

A Must One click to add to your Badd Brothers collection!  

I am ready for the next Brother!

**ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review***

5 Cherries Popped