A review by bookbragger
The Shadow Crosser by J.C. Cervantes


In this twist and turn adventure Zane has just located the last godborn on his list but things aren't turning out to well after SHIHOM is attacked in a shocking betrayal Zane finds himself at SHIHOM sooner then expected to add to the mystery all the gods have mysteriously disappeared and the godborns are next on there list... whilst I enjoyed the first two books in the Storm Runner trilogy when it came to the third book I found it a bit slow and boring and had to push myself to read hoping that it would get better and it did but I am still not pleased with the conclusion and the twist seemed underdeveloped and like little thought was put into making the twist in the plot, if it was to have been any better making this stolen object be the Mayan calendar would have added another level to the plot and given me what I was anticipating but either way, I am looking forward to reading [b:Throne of Sand|54435522|Throne of Sand (Throne of Sand, #1)|J.C. Cervantes|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png|84946487] and seeing what Ren has to say.