A review by mveldeivendran
Lyrical and Critical Essays by Albert Camus


"there is more love in these awkward pages than in all those that have followed.."

The title speaks for itself. Taking it from Camus himself, reading this book made me feel many things. Like an energized adolescent wanting to express all the things I felt as if it is worth expressing everything one feels in the first place. This anthology has some of his earliest published essays. Got to know about the places he lived, writers he loved and admired, about his own writings, his opinions on living during 'the most tragic times.' A much needed one personally. Not really sure but I feel one would be able to appreciate this better if they have explored most of his works of fiction and essays.

Yesterday I shared an excerpt with a new acquaintance from one of the novels that I read this year that love is not an end in itself but a process by which one gets to know another better. In that way, I love this one in particular and probably will hold this time to time again over the course of future very close to my heart. A sort of rejuvenation for my nostalgic intoxication.

Lyrical and Critical Essays (1967) ~ Albert Camus