A review by kellyb
Code Zero by Jonathan Maberry


This is the second most recent novel in the Joe Ledger Series. These are some of my most favorite books and I really can’t say anything more than they are so awesome! The series as a whole is action-packed, fast-paced, witty and generally bad-frickin-ass. [b:Code Zero|19433029|Code Zero (Joe Ledger, #6)|Jonathan Maberry|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1386924358s/19433029.jpg|21397368] is the sequel to [b:Patient Zero|3993839|Patient Zero (Joe Ledger, #1)|Jonathan Maberry|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1430862493s/3993839.jpg|4039913], the first novel in [a:Jonathan Maberry|72451|Jonathan Maberry|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1275853898p2/72451.jpg]’s Joe Ledger series. With that being said, it picks up chronologically in time with where the series has left off, incorporating elements of the other books as well. It’s just phenomenal - the whole series is phenomenal. Anyone remotely interested in science fiction should read Joe Ledger. Anyone remotely interested in horror and/or science fiction and all things awesome should read anything written by [a:Jonathan Maberry|72451|Jonathan Maberry|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1275853898p2/72451.jpg].