A review by charshorrorcorner
The Seeds of Nightmares by Tony Tremblay


4.5 stars!

The Seeds of Nightmares is a collection of wide variety and scope. It truly stands above most other collections and anthologies I've read this year, or any other year, really. Rarely is it that I am so impressed with an author with whom I was totally unfamiliar.

Nearly every story in the book worked for me, but these are the ones that made the strongest impressions:

Stardust Amazing, sad and beautiful, this story of twins with an abusive father will stick with you for a long time. Maybe even forever.

The Strange Saga of Mattie Dyer When I met Tony and bought this book last October, he signed it with the warning "Stay away from the holes." I didn't know what the hell he was talking about, but last week, (after a late night book buying spree), I read this story and it all became clear. This tale is definitely in my top ten short stories of all time, just because it's so strange and original. Plus, the author doesn't spoil it all by trying to over explain things. Once you read it, you'll see. In the meantime, stay away from the holes.

The Soldiers Wife I'm not sure why short stories about soldiers work well for me, but they do. At first, I was comparing this story to Robert McCammon's Nightcrawlers, (from his Blue World collection), and then The Soldier's Wife took such a twisted turn, I gasped out loud. Well done!

An Alabama Christmas This was another poignant tale that nearly broke my heart.

Lastly, Husband of Kellie Extremely short, but packing a punch that will knock you right out.

The Seeds of Nightmares made an impact on me due to its originality and the author's skill. It takes a special kind of talent to write stories with staying power, and Mr. Tremblay has that talent, in spades.

You can get a copy here: The Seeds of Nightmares

*I paid for this book with my hard earned money, and Mr. Tremblay did sign it for me. Even though I consider him to be an online friend, this did not affect the content of my review. *