A review by emjayknocks
Burnout: The Secret to Solving the Stress Cycle by Amelia Nagoski, Emily Nagoski

informative reflective medium-paced


There’s some solid content here, backed by science, that I hope will help me better cope with my stress. Having language to describe my experience is invaluable! The chapter about completing the stress cycle was eye-opening and I immediately started actioning their suggestions… time will tell if it helps. The chapter on sleep and rest was also interesting; I’m not getting nearly enough rest!

There was also a weird, almost patronising tone throughout that I found quite irritating. The elevator music that randomly swelled when the authors wanted us to connect with what they must’ve thought were particularly poignant or emotional sections? Awful. The “ugh” that followed every single mention of the word patriarchy? UGH so unnecessary. The entire chapter about the Bikini Industrial Complex? Felt totally out of place and was a weird tacked-on chapter about why being fat is ok. I also didn’t identify at all with Human Giver Syndrome which seemed to put me, a woman, slightly at odds with the woman’s experience they describe throughout the book, which meant I had a hard time connecting with some sections.

Overall a book I’d recommend to women feeling burnout, but with a healthy “prepare to roll your eyes” warning.