A review by books_over_everything
The Ballad of Ami Miles by Kristy Dallas Alley


Initial Thoughts

I was excited to be chosen for this tour. I have been watching a ton of TV shows about cults lately and this dystopian setting seemed like it would really fit that theme.

Some Things I Liked

Ami’s story. I really enjoyed the way that the focal point of the story was on Ami herself and her journey of self discovery. There were excellent supporting characters but, the crux of the story was about Ami.
Cult vibes. Heavenly Shepherd was most certainly a cult. They had extreme views, a hideous dress code, and various other rules that would seem insane to an outsider. I absolutely loved the way Ami discovered what Heavenly Shepherd was as well as her introduction to all of the things she was missing in the real world.

One Thing I Wasn’t Crazy About

The explanation of the infertility. I found myself confused at a point because was it just Ami’s family that had this problem? Ami obviously discovered people who didn’t seem quite so plagued with the issue so I couldn’t understand if she was simply lied to or if the problem wasn’t explained clearly enough for my understanding.

Series Value

Ami’s story feels complete. However, I think this world is interesting and I’d be eager to know more about it. I also really enjoyed Kristy Dallas Alley’s writing and would read her future novels.

Final Thoughts

I enjoyed this book. I didn’t realize how much I was missing a book like this until I read it. Ami’s story was different from anything I had read in a while and I loved that.


Recommendations for Further Reading

Escaping Eleven by Jerri Chisholm – if you’re looking for a dystopian story where the societal structure is not all that it seems, try this new release.
The Grace Year by Kim Liggitt – if you’re looking for those Handmaid’s Tale vibes, look no further than this 2019 release.