A review by mystikai
Bessie Bibbs' Ginormous Fibs by Chris Jones, Claire Bell


Bessie Bibbs' is a little monster, she’s cute and friendly. She likes to help her monster friends in the town which is a good, friendly thing to do, her heart is in the right place, but to help them she ends up telling them fibs, not just little ones but huge ones that lead to disaster.
First, I want to say that I loved the map of Hoppity thicket, the street names were funny and did give me a laugh and the pictures great. The book is written in rhyme which makes it even more fun to read with my five-year-old son and the illustrations are fantastic.
For a child that is only just starting to blend words together, I found that the pictures were enough for him to tell me what was happening in the book before I read the words on the page. He thoroughly enjoyed the troubles Bessie Bibbs' got into.
At the end of the book my son and I had a chat about what happened and we both agreed that telling fibs, no matter how big or small, is not a good idea and being honest is best!