A review by jadorejustine
My Darling Husband by Kimberly Belle


Still reading, but I have thoughts/questions:

- Is Baxter 2 or 6? He is written like a toddler— his manner of speaking and absolute inability to discern a dangerous situation— and it is driving me insane.

- Half of this book is the masked intruder asking Jade where here daughter is hiding. Seriously, it’s just variations of “where is she?”and “I don’t know!” over and over and over.

- What is the intruder’s endgame? He demands ransom and holds the wife and kids at gunpoint, but the husband *knows* who the intruder is, so even if the husband winds up delivering the money, the intruder would eventually go to prison for false imprisonment and assault. This makes NO SENSE.

- Oh. My. God. So the intruder is, at once, the husband’s spurned ex-business partner *and* the man who installed the hidden cameras in their home? I guess Cam works such long hours that he had no clue who installed their security cameras, only Jade? This is very stupid.

- I never want to hear the name “Beatrix” again. It’s such an awful name, and I think her name was mentioned no less than 171,199 times.

- intruder to 9 year old girl: put the gun down, missy. Nine year old child to intruder: I’m not your missy!

I have NEVER rolled my eyes harder.