A review by madmooney
The Flying Troutmans by Miriam Toews


An Paris-living aunt is summoned to Canada after being informed by her niece Thebes & nephew Logan that her sister, Min, is not doing well, and in a depressive, catatonic state. After placing her sister in some round-the-clock care (this is just another of Min's fugue states - all will be well in a few weeks), she decides to take Thebes and Logan on a road trip to find their estranged father so he can help.

I was able to complete Toews' [b:The Flying Troutmans|2940207|The Flying Troutmans|Miriam Toews|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1377628484l/2940207._SY75_.jpg|2969638] in a single sitting, and this is a testament to how very readable the book is. It oozes quirk, and it truly feels like it is coming from a genuine place (I have been told that complicated relations between sisters is very much a part of her oeuvre, drawn from her personal life). Even the niblings feel so real!

Someone may approach you and tell you this title is about a dysfunctional famliy as a hook to pitch the reco your way; yes the book does deal with non-traditional family structures, complicated relationships, and mental illness - but it is not *that* sort of book at all. A perfect vacation read.

I want vascillating between this title and [b:Women Talking|40046077|Women Talking|Miriam Toews|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1530534348l/40046077._SY75_.jpg|59561467] as my next Canadiana read (wanted to read and watch the adaptation of the latter prior to the Oscars) and I am so very glad that I went with this one!