A review by libralita
The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson


It’s a steam punk fantasy with a dash of Nickelodeon’s Chalk Zone and a smidge of Stormlight Archive AND IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! While it did take me a while to get in to and Melody Muns annoyed me a lot of time it was still pretty amazing. In my opinion it’s better than the Reckoners and probably on par with some of his cosmere work. I cannot recommend enough.


I’m actually really happy that Joel didn’t become a Rithmatist, maybe in the future he will but I kind of liked how he didn’t.

“‘Sure, I guess. What else would I do?’
‘Oh,’ Michael said, ‘maybe prevent some assassinations, get rich, find out what’s really happening in Nebrask…’”—Page 21

This alternative history thing is really odd. There’s 60 Islands and they seem to be more like a stronger European Union. I’m really fascinated by the government system and I hope we eventually get into it. Is it an IGO or a confederation? This political science nerd needs to know.

So we meet Nalizar when he challenges Fitch and Fitch gets badly beaten which is really sad.

What’s this? A red head who likes to draw and annoys the (kinda) male main character? Gee I never heard of that before, Brandon!

I love York and Fitch, they’re so nice to Joel.

“‘Tell me honestly,’ Melody said, whispering to Joel, ‘are you following me?’
Joel started. ‘What?’
‘Well, you did take the same math class that I did.’
‘We get assigned our classes by the campus office!’ Joel said.
‘After that,’ she continued, speaking as if she hadn’t heard his protest, ‘you got a job at the campus office—the same place that I, unfortunately, have to do service.’
‘I’ve had that job since the beginning of the term!’
‘And finally,’ she said, ‘you followed me to Fitch’s office. Pretty suspicious.’
‘I didn’t follow you. I was here before you!’
‘Yes,’ Melody said, ‘a convenient excuse. Just don’t show up outside my window at night, or I shall have to scream and throw something at you.’”—Page 94

I found Melody more annoying than charming. She did get better as the book went on and at the end I liked her but damn she was annoying.

“‘Professor Fitch is sitting right there,’ Joel said, pointing. ‘He can probably hear everything you’re saying.’
‘Sure can,’ Fitch said, scribbling at a notebook.”—Page 98

I do love Fitch, though.

“The clerk tapped his cane against the ground. ‘Parents,’ he said. ‘The bane of every school’s existence.’”—Page 145

I love Exton.

Melody, are you really that dumb? Joel’s father died when he was eight, the same age you go in to be tested in you’re a Rithmatist.

“‘Of course I have,’ Joel said. ‘Government was…uh, the class I failed last year.’
Fitch sighed. ‘Such potential wasted.’
‘It wasn’t interesting,’ Joel protested. ‘I mean, I want to learn about Rithmatics, not politics. Let’s be honest, when am I ever going to need to know historical government theories?’”—Page 214

Government is super fucking important! As a political science major I’m so offended by this, Joel! Take an interest in government so I can figure out what kind of system the United Isles has!

“We can’t afford to fight each other. Not again. The last time nearly doomed us all.”—Harding, Page 216

They fought before? So some sort of civil war? Also what’s the point of being called the United Isles? Is it more like European Union type thing?

I love the name Eventire.

So Rithmatics is all about intent, interesting.

The scene where the scribbler goes after Joel is so terrifying, I was waiting for him to discover that he had Rithmatic powers but he didn’t.

They arrested Exton but I didn’t believe he did it, he was too loveable.

I kind of figured that Joel wouldn’t become a Rithmatist but…damn that’s so heartbreaking.

Harding is the scribbler goddammit. I’m so sad, I really liked him. OH GOD AND SEEING THAT GIRL GET EATTEN BY THE CHALKINGS THAT HORRIBLE.

“No, I think I was wrong about him,”—Page 338

Oh, really Joel?

FUCK YEAH FITCH! Coming to the rescue and being an absolute bad ass!

And the crazy chalkings were actually the captured people. That’s insane.

I’m so confused at what’s going on with Nalizar.

“Yes, Fitch thought, I’m sure he’ll turn out to be an all right fellow, if we just give him enough time…”—Page 365

Oh Fitch…

So, we end with Melody and Joel kicking everyone’s ass and I’m so confused about Nalizar but Brandon better freaking publish the next book next year. This book was absolutely amazing, I wish I had started it sooner. It’s probably better than the Reckoners and more on par with some of his cosmere works.