A review by mikaiya
Fight No More: Stories by Lydia Millet


Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me access to this for an unbiased review. I've read Millet's Sweet Lamb of Heaven and remember being impressed with how eerie and substantial her writing is, and how no matter the topic she can turn an everyday encounter into something mysterious and off-kilter. I was curious how this story collection would work, and should have expected an equally strange and fascinating world. I was not expecting the stories to be so interconnected, and it took me a few to realize all the characters were interconnected, but then I was fully along for the ride with her at-times too-real local residents. I was particularly impressed by how different the characters were (the step-dad, the wounded girl(s?)) and yet how much they all shared a similar sense of overwhelmed inability to make their world be what they wanted it to be. Without spoiling the ending, I wondered at the end if we aren't all wandering the neighborhood, unaware of the time as it passes. The more I think on this book, the more it horrifies and delights me. Definitely a worthy read!