A review by moirin
Legend of the Lakes by Clara O'Connor


Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an e-arc of this book! My opinions are my own.

The Legend of the Lakes is the last installment in this trilogy. What a ride it has been! After the big plot twist at the end of book 2, I couldn't wait to find out how the story would continue and how the main character Cassandra would deal with what had happened to her!

This book starts off rather slow and it took me some time to connect to the main characters again. We learn more about the ley lines, why they matter so much and how they can be healed. This is necessary information to the story, but it drags on a bit. In the second half of the book the pace picks up and the action starts. It was nice to find out the ending, with a few more betrayals, hidden truths and plot twists to keep us readers entertained.

I enjoyed this trilogy as a whole, but can't help feeling like this isn't the book in the series. The pacing was a bit off and the relationships between the characters developed in ways that didn't always feel natural to me. Which was a pity, because I thought the story in itself was original and worth reading. But I did find myself skipping pages at times.

I can definitely imagine others loving this book more than I did! So if you love a mix of Roman and Celtic culture, you could definitely pick up this trilogy!