A review by andreasromancebooks
Not Another Love Song by Julie Soto


4.75 ⭐️ I devoured this book. Seriously, couldn't put it down.
As always, thank you so much NetGalley for the eARC!

When I tell you the only reason it took me two days to read this is because I literally passed out at around 3 am... I'm not exaggerating. I loved this book. It was nothing like I expected it to be -but then again, the same thing happened to me with Julie Soto's first book, so I guess there's a theme here. I always love her books so much more than I thought I would. I had decently high expectations for this one, and wow, what a way to meet them -and probably surpass them if I'm being honest!

Gwen Jackson fell in love with the violin at the tender age of twelve. She was lucky enough to receive private instruction from the owner of a little Music shop in Queens she found while wandering around, and she's never looked back. Now, playing as the fourth violin in the Manhattan Pops, she finally feels like she's making somewhat of a living with her music. She also doesn't frown to playing at weddings, which is how she finds herself with a cello in her hands, and Xander Thorne staring at her from blank-point range. Xander, aka Alex, is a musical genius. He's known since he was three years old. He's been told since then, too. What he doesn't expect is to find himself entranced by the violinist who's butchering "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring". But the thing is, she's not butchering it the way a simple violin player who's never played cello in her life should be.

I loved this book so unbelievably much, and it might be because I love music as much as I do, but the whole snobbery, highly important, trained classical musician thing didn't bother me at all. I thought Xander a bit much at first, but by the 75% mark I could not get enough of him. And Gwen, as much as I wish I could say I loved her, it felt like she was praying for her own downfall half the book! Still, I love the ending and the different ups and downs these two take to get where they do in the end.

It's a slow, slow burn, but it's so worth it! I want to say so many more things, but I don't want to leave any spoilers before the book is officially released. What I can, and will say, is that I 100% recommend any romance reader to pick this book up. I already can't wait to see what Julie Soto does next!