A review by tippyloohoo
Cross My Heart by Sasha Gould


There are no friends in Venice.

Laura della Scala has been in a convent for the last six years. Her father sent her there when he could no longer afford two daughters. La Muta - The Silent One - is what they call her there. She should remember that name. While there a man comes to the infirmary, thrashing and sick, Laura must subdue him and feed him medicine. Once healed the man, whom Laura does not know, make her promise to never utter a word of his condition. But who would she tell? She's just a convent girl. That is until she's told by the abbess that she's to leave the convent and go home. Her father has called for her, she's going home, she'll finally see her beloved sister once more.

But it is not the happy reunion Laura was hoping for. She arrives home to find her house in shambles and her sister, Beatrice, dead. And now she must marry her sister's fiance so that her father's reputation can be saved. It is not something Laura looks forward to, marring a man she has never met. The prospect is made worse when she finally meets him. So when she is approached by the Segreta - The Secret Ones - and told that they can help her for the price of a secret Laura thinks she has been saved. However, not all is what it appears. As Laura has learned, the fee is never paid.

Oh holy squeal! I loved this book. Just when I thought I knew what was going to happen and who was who the tables were turned. Cross My Heart is such an amazing novel of love and suspense. I was left gasping so often I just could not put the book down. And thankfully it's going to be a series. I can't wait to read the next book, Heart of Glass.