A review by prosewhore
Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent


I've been meaning to buy this one for AGES only to realise I had it in French in my library (goes to say I have way too many books but that's a topic for another day)!
It's no secret that I'm a conspiracy theory fanatic, I have to hold myself back from spending all my days in a basement reading pages upon pages on the supposed illuminati secrets. It's not that I necessarily believe in it all I just find the idea of those secret societies ruling the world very interesting.
I found Holy Blood, Holy Grail pretty riveting, despite a few chapters on genealogy that could have used some serious editing. I'm not really convinced about the priory of sion holding the secrets to Jesus' bloodline, some of the theories of relations between people are honestly so far fetched, however in between all this are some really interesting historical facts about the south of France (in which I happen to live hehe), the cathars, the templars etc.. If anything, this book made me want to research more about the history of my country, which in my opinion is always a good thing. As to Jesus, I'm not catholic but I wouldn't see an issue with his image being more human than godly and I would adore to know which documents now accepted as part of the bible have been changed, cut and why by the decision makers back in the day. I wouldn't be surprised or shocked if he had had a wife, or children, now the resurection is a whole other topic but to be fair, my knowledge about the bible and christianity stay very limited so I wouldn't say whether I think their theories could prove to be true or not, I have no idea..

As to know if " Holy Blood, Holy Grail" is a good book, it's entertaining yes, but a decent history book would certainly be a more valuable read. And I'm definitely turning to that soon, I very much want to know more about the history of catholicism, if anyone has recommendations, I'll take them gladly !