A review by michael__
Hourglass by Claudia Gray


Okay, I'm not even half way through this book, but I had to write a little something about how I felt so far. Basically, Bianca and Lucas are the most idiotic and annoying couple I've ever had the misfortune of reading about. And Bianca is probably the worst heroine in a novel. Ever. Okay, so her best friend (and almost lover) is in the next room being tortured. Lucas, the biggest douche-bag in life, is jealous because she is worried about what might happen to her friend. And then Bianca goes off with things like, "Oh Lucas, forgive me! Balthazar means nothing to me! You're the only one!" Seriously?

Gah, this book is pissing me off.


I finished it. And I must admit, it did get a little better. A little.

I still hate Bianca and Lucas with a burning passion. Especially Bianca. She has got to be the most self-centered heroine in the history of literature. Almost all the hardships in this book are caused by the fact that Bianca cannot stand to leave her beloved Lucas. Almost half the book is Bianca talking about how madly in love she is with him and how perfect he is. Seriously, give me a break. Bianca says "Lucas" more in this book than Rose says "Jack" in Titanic. And seriously Claudia Gray (if that is your real name...) stop comparing Bianca and Lucas to Romeo and Juliet. For the love of God, no matter how much you want them to be, they will never be Romeo and Juliet.

However, the plot saves this book from getting less than two stars. I've never had any doubts that Claudia Gray can spin an interesting storyline. Charity is interesting enough as an antagonist. And the part with the diving board was simple, but chilling nonetheless. The events that happen in the end are interesting as well, and should lead in to an interesting conclusion to the series.