A review by theresidentbookworm
Faithful by Janet Fox


A Review In Pictures (And A Few Words Because I Am Still Me)

What's to love about Faithful. Well, I don't know?

How about the majestic setting of 1900s Yellowstone (one that has not been commonly used in YA historical fiction or really any historical fiction)?



And yes, we have to put up Maggie, who is a bit of whiny brat at first, but she gets better. And then there is Tom Rowland, who I like very much. He calls Maggie out on her crap, and I like to think of him in his 1900s garb because there's something sexy about it.


I also liked the addition of her interest in (that newfangled technology) photography. I always thought it would have been cool to be interested in photography then. The real center of the plotline is around the mystery of Maggie's mother's disappearance. It's well paced and well crafed. Janet Fox knows her stuff. Highly recommended!