A review by shardaunei
Geekerella by Ashley Poston


It is actually 2.5/5.

Oh, what do I think about this book....

Is that enough?

Well, I come to find out that I love reading about strong female characters and this version of cinderella isn't one of them. For the first two act, I have been frustrated with her. She is so stupid. I didn't really warm up to her until she finally reached the convention in Atlanta. Even then, I didn't like her.
As for the "prince," he was okay, slightly better than than Elle. But don't get me started on is handler, Gale. God sometimes I just want to choke her.

The only character I really like is Sage. She had a good head on her shoulder and the voice of reason to Elle's "woe is me " bullshit.

I would've given this book a 2 stars, except that I like the geek aspect of it and the convention was fun. The fact that Nathan Fillion was a cameo for Firefly was awesome, so that was the half star for.

So if you like strong female characters, don't read this book!