A review by natanacreativepineapple
A Beauty for Kinkmas by R.A. Frick


Frick does a fantastic job when listing trigger warnings and other things like that. This has a meaningful and deep connection between characters with lots and lots of s*x when the opportunities are available.

Lance is at peace with where he’s ended up, almost to the point of reaching his firefighter dream. His intimate relationships are lacking but after other men have baulked at his scars; I would be scared to open up too.

Danny is a tender daddy who is just stepping into the world of figuring out what that means.

These two run into each other as a surprise, many times and the author wove these coincidences together nicely. It’s believable, with both characters having legit reasons to be in places and such. Personally, I am not a fan when other books have it too conquencidental. This is a stand-alone novella that intertwines with R.A. Frick’s X Club series. I enjoy their variety of gender and sexual identities the most. I plan to continue picking up more of their writing soon.