A review by michalice
Echo by Alyson Noël


Echo picks up straight where Fated left off, and although I finished Fated earlier this year, I had no problems jumping back into Daire's world and picking up the story like it was yesterday I had last visited. The Ritchers may be undead but their presence is still felt in the Lowerworld as they slowly pollute and contaminate it. Daire must learn more about herself and her ability in order to stand any chance of saving the Lowerworld. Dace also has tasks at hand, as Daire learns more about herself, so must he, and one way or another one of them must stop the evil.

What I loved about Echo is getting to see how the characters have grown from the beginning of the series, up to the end point of the book, not only the protagonist, but also the background characters. Lita, Jacy, and Crickett, after events in Fated, now consider themselves friends with Daire and her small group, they seem more mature and are a lot more friendlier. Even Xotichi is gaining more control over her abilities and I can't wait to see what she is capable of in the next instalment.
While we don't get to see much of Cade, there are some new faces thrown into the mix that have a history with Dace, and while I don't welcome this new arrival, I am looking forward to seeing what they can add to the plot and what they do.

From the moment I began reading I could not stop. The plot is even more gripping, the characters are believable and well developed, and the further I got into Echo the more I had to keep reading to find out what happens. One thing I did not like was the ending, and this is purely because I have to wait what feels like forever to find out what happens when I really need to find out now.