A review by jrboyne
Their Finest Hour by Winston Churchill


Churchill's second volume of his massive World War II chronicles is just as good as the first! This volume covers from the end of the Phony War in the Spring of 1940 to the end of the year after the Battle of Britain was won and war was beginning to get fierce in the north African coast. Churchill's mastery of narrative and his constant addition of letters, memos and other correspondence ad depth of the historical narrative to help the readers get into his mind as well as the minds of the people around him. Undaunting perseverance can easily describe Churchill as well as the English people during this time period. After the fall of France in June of 1940, England was left alone to continue the war again Nazi Germany with a constant threat of invasion and the what seemed to be never ending bombardment of its cities and factories. Yet the nation fought on and survived into 1941 where the war would expand across the globe. A great read for all history buffs along with each volume. We all need to have a proper understanding of what took place during these world changing years and Churchill provides an in-depth study of the events as well as the characters that shaped these critical years.