A review by mvprince
Blades of Freedom: A Tale of Haiti, Napoleon, and the Louisiana Purchase by Nathan Hale


I love these books so much. I'm an adult, but I still learn a lot from them. The author's approach to history is wonderful: it's all well-researched and true, but told in a fun, entertaining way by the narrator (Nathan Hale, staving off his execution Scherezade-style) and his sidekicks: the executioner, a total goofball who loves animals; and a British officer who's stuffy but loves the tales as much as we do. Billy, the young Black man who tied the noose for Hale's actual hanging, has joined as a character; he's more straightforward than the other two but still cute). These are a great way for adults to fill in the gaps of their American history education (or to find out what actually happened to the Donner party). They'd also be excellent for kids who prefer non-fiction books. Recommended for all ages!