A review by smart_girls_love_trashy_books
The Color of Fear by Billy Phillips, Jenny Nissenson



This book was a whole heck of a lot of fun to read! I liked the characters, the fairy-tell retellings, all zombified, and I'm looking forward to reading the sequel! I wonder if it takes place in Wonderland since Alice is there?

It was fast-paced, funny, and gross, pretty much everything I love in a novel, combined with badass princesses. It did seem to be a bit YA-ish especially with some of the terms used instead of a middle-grade novel like it's marketed as, but that's a minor complaint.

It was also kind of weird it took place in England, as there wasn't very much British slang and at one point a girl's outfit is described as 'being made of Euros' even though England doesn't use Euros, it uses pounds.

Other than that though I enjoyed it and I really liked the lesson. I relate to the main character since I too am pretty much afraid of everything, so the lesson in this book really spoke to me and encourages me to become more confident.

Eagerly awaiting the sequel!