A review by cyireadbooks
Case of the Bleus: A Cheese Shop Mystery by Korina Moss


I thoroughly enjoyed Case of the Bleus. It is the fourth novel in the Cheese Shop Mystery series, but I didn’t have a problem reading it as a standalone.

Unlike most cozy mysteries, Case of the Bleus wasn’t heavy-handed with atmosphere. There was a lot more drama and suspense, especially due to the numerous plot twists. And because the novel is really two mysteries in one, I was kept guessing on the who, what, when, where, and why.

I loved all of the characters in the novel. And although the characters are new to me, I still managed to get sense of their personalities. The main characters of Willa, Archie, and Mrs. Schultz (Team Cheese as they called themselves,) were a joy to follow. I especially enjoyed the comic relief from Archie — the youngest of the group. And Mrs. Schultz with all of her wisdom balanced out the group’s dynamics.

Author Moss has done an excellent job of balancing the cozy atmosphere with the thrill of an adrenalin-filled mystery. Moss is a new to me author that I will add to my list of favorites. And extra kudos to her for sharing the recipes for those mouthwatering dips and spreads mentioned in her novel. Five delectable stars.

I received a DRC from St. Martin’s Press through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.