A review by mcacev
Green Arrow, Vol. 3: Emerald Outlaw by Benjamin Percy



Listen, I love this series. That's why the stupid writing gets to me so much. It's because I know Percy can do better. He does better in the very same issue!

Emerald Outlaw is the third volume in the Green Arrow ongoing series. It follows Olie, Dinah and Diggle back in Seattle, trying to rebuild their lives and Olie's reputation as Green Arrow. That seems to be a tall order as Cyrus, the new mayoral candidate Nate, chief of police Westberg, disgraced sergeant Notting, and the Dark Archer all get involved.

If there is one thing I both love and hate about this series, is how fast paced it is. This works well for the action scenes, but less for the character beats. It's a lot of really quick character turns that I'm not sure I like, and this is especially true with the villains. Notting for example takes about... 5 panels between going from a regular trigger happy cop to insane vigilante, willing to take on a police chief. Same with Nate, who is also the least subtle idiot to bug anyone in like... forever. Additionally, this time around we have some tone issues, as some of the murders and stuff that happens is really dark and gruesome, in harsh contrast with the over the top action the series has kept up with until this point.

This volume juggles a lot of characters and a lot of plot points, and none of them are really that well explored, but they get a moment to shine. I loved the relationship between Olie and chief Westberg, as well as Olie and the reporter. I also liked his reunion with Emi; I like that she wants to call herself the Red Arrow, and Olie's reluctance to let her do that and be his proper sidekick. I can't wait for Roy to meet Emi (and see what's in continuity and what isn't since well... reboots).

For stuff that I liked less, we have Dinah and Olie. Dinah was less horrible here than she was in the previous volume but man... that mansplaining comment. And also can I ask; if Dinah is a world famous rock star, why is she so against Olie getting back his company and fortune? She's rich too, the hypocrite!
I also wasn't a huge fan of the Dark Archer. I think that's another relationship that should have been explored more, since what we did learn was really interesting. It reminded me of the relationship between Bruce and Thomas Eliott, but if Bruce had been closer to Thomas' dad than Thomas. I know... I know, I compare everything to Batman Hush but it's so good, read it!

I like that Cyrus turned out to be way more unhinged and crazy than I originally pegged him to be, and the scene with him and Nate in the basement was hilariously over the top. Another hilarious moment was when the vigilante squad is running away from Green Arrow and Notting comments how Green Arrow would never shoot like that, his friends respond with "You mean it's that Arrow Killer? Game Over, we're finished"

My one true love, Diggle, didn't get much time to shine here, except for the last issue where we find out that the Dark Archer saved his life. Drama? Tune in next review to find out.

But seriously guys, read this series its amazingly entertaining.