A review by thebritishbibliophile
One Hot Deal by Anna Durand


‘I simply cannot get enough of Anna Durand, and reads like this one prove just how much of an must read author she is. One Hot Deal de-liv-ered!’ -TheBritishBibliophile

Thank you to Anna Durand for sending me an ebook Advanced Readers Copy for me to read and leave an honest review as part of her ARC team.
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Welcome back one and all to another Anna Durand read. If you’re a somewhat seasoned reader of hers like myself, you’ll be as thrilled as I am to be back in another one of her reads! One Hot Deal is Book Eight in the Hot Brits series.

For me, this is my third read of the series (my first being One Hot Christmas), so I was very keen to dive into another Hot Brit.

If you’ve been following this series and have read the previous book, One Hot Scandal , you’ll already be familiar with the leading man who now has his own story in this novel. Derek Hahn made his debut in his sister’s story with Lord Steamy, aka Hugh Parrish. It was clear from his brief stint in that novel that when it came round to Derek having his own story, it was going to be an interesting one.

Though I did personally underestimate just how interesting it would be. This wasn’t down to Anna’s writing or the possible story she could write, but I was bowled away at just how much I enjoyed Derek’s (and Diana’s) story. Anna never disappoints with any of her books, but after Lord Steamy and how much I enjoyed his & Avery’s story, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I loved One Hot Deal . The kinds of reads that never fail to blow me away, even after I’ve been reading an author for a while, are the best kinds of reads that show the true prowess of an author.

So, just what are readers in for when reading One Hot Deal? , let me tell you through its tropes!

✅ Age-gap romance
✅ Hero with an accent (American)
✅ Boss/employee
✅ Workplace romance
✅ Opposites Attract

All the good stuff, I sadly cannot reveal to you as that would be giving things away but I can say this, so much more is packed into this novel than any trope could simply list. What I can tell you, is that this read is one that is as funny as it is steamy. Convincing Derek to take the seal that Diana is proposing is one thing, but it’s done with comical flare as much as flirtatious. I always appreciate when authors inject humour, in whatever form they chose, into their novels. It’s good to have a laugh, especially at the expense of one or two characters along the way.

Not to mention, Derek taking his bodyguard duties much more thoroughly than the average bodyguard, once his walls are down. Props to Anna on delivering those scenes we readers love to read about. H-to the-o-to the-t!

Loving trouble has never been so rewarding for either Derek or Diana in this steamy read that everyone simply must pick up!

I can’t think of any other rating to give this read other than the five stars it and Anna so richly deserves.

Grab a pre-order copy, or a copy if you’re reading this post-release day, and get ready to meet Derek and Diana! Two dynamic D’s indeed!