A review by milesofbooks_al
29 Seconds by T.M. Logan

Did not finish book.
I was given a free copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review

This book was so hard for me to get into. I felt the main character, Sarah, was given a weak voice (if any at all) and was unrelatable (even though she was suffering through a very relatable situation), and she felt a little all over the place: road rage, impatience and confidence enough to try and run someone over with her car?!, silent and self-doubting, feeling the need to stand alone in her stress and struggles? I couldn't get my head wrapped around her as a character.

This book could have been a suspenseful thriller (as it was toted to be) into the disturbing world of sexual and gender-based harassment in the workforce. Sarah could have been a character for readers to see themselves in and pull strength from to shed light on their own plights. Instead, she was silent and denied the advances were even happening.

I was really looking forward to this book and was so sad to have struggled to make it past the first few chapters. It slugged through Sarah's mind at a snail pace and I found myself not wanting to turn the page.

I tried to keep reading, to finish the book since it is an ARC and I wanted to give a full review, but life is too short to suffer through books that frustrate me or that I've lost interest in.