A review by adelriesgo
Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer


  • I love the elevated spice in this book like it’s not much but it’s enough 
  • Seth is a uwu teddy bear  
  • Jacob attending the wedding gets points in my book (but for the record it doesn’t offset the negative balance Stephanie has for writing that he imprints on a CHILD)
  • Anytime I get an Edward Jacob pissing contest it makes me so happy 
  • Emmett is such a good big brother 
  • I will say Edward has some rizz… but him getting so upset over some bruises come on honey 
  • I hate (lothe) the whole imprinting on a baby or a child is so absolutely fucked up because at the end of the day it’s grooming. Point blank. Fucked up 
  • Jacob is such a whiney crybaby in this 
  • I really don’t know why Bella wanted the demon baby jacob was right in hating it at first lmao 
  • “I had not been born to kneel to him” YAS JACOB STAND UP TO SAM YOU ALPHA
  • I love Seth and Leah omfg 
  • Jacob’s pov is my fave outside of Edwards
  • I think overall Carlisle is one of my favorite characters he is so kind hearted and just has the purest soul 
  • Rosalie is kinda pissing me off like I thought we were over the Bella hating but now she would not care if she died as long as the baby is okay…
  • Jacob’s pov always makes me so sad 
  • My lothing of Jacob just takes off after he imprints whyyyy did Mormon Stephanie Meyer make Jacob a predator 😭
  • Bella’s whole monologue trying to survive after giving birth had me weak it feels written by a middle schooler 😭
  • I hate Bella as a vampire I’m sorry 
  • If I were Bella I’d be so pissed at Jacob and Rosalie like they didn’t carry around this demon child they shouldn’t decide when I’d get to see her 
  • Jacob is so selfish and stupid in this book it literally pains me 
  • Carlie is such a better name than renesme omfg 
  • Carlisle knows just what to say 
  • Benjamin is so iconiccc 
  • I’m sorry but the movie is sm better and I never say that
  • Aro cracks me up like for a villain he’s funny
  • Why am I crying as they say thier good byes to renesme 
Overall if you’ve read the series you gotta finish it off but Jacob drives me bonkers in this book. He deserved to be written better 😭