A review by wendythegeekgoddess
Snap by Alison McGhee


Eddie Beckey loves to make lists about anything. Her best friend Sally doesn't like list because she believes lists make life predictable. Eddie also wears 6 different colored rubber bands around her wrist which she snaps whenever the event that each band represent occurs. One day Eddie finds out something about her best friends life that will change her life forever and Eddie begins to wonder if their friendship can still survive.

The story was scattered and all over the place. In one scene Eddie is in a bus with her best friend then all of a sudden she is 7 years old and learning about the "age of wisdom". It was a little to disorganized for my liking. Not only that but all the conflicts, issues, and questions that appear throughout the novel are never answered or solved. All throughout the book Eddie makes lists of things that are unnecessary and unimportant to the story like a list of her best friends hair ornaments, what they ordered for breakfast and the prices of each item, how to braid a braid. Not to mention Eddie was completely unrealistic, what 12 year old thinks about the vast endlessness of space, what the purpose of living was? It was completely ridiculous!!!

I don't recommend this book to anyone. For the age rating, it's meant to be a childrens novel but there are words that I believe maybe quite challenging for children so I suggest 10 and over.

"Perfect" By: Natasha Friend