A review by karenholmes
The Prisoner of Heaven by Carlos Ruiz Zafón


I have mixed feelings with this book and I've hessitated about which rating would reflect my feelings best. There are parts I loved about it. I loved the knots between the two previous books, that everything fits together and that all characters converge in the Sempere bookshop.
But, there is a big but. The author had, until now, made each book independent and that was something I liked about him. You could read the book and end with a satisfying feeling that the story had been told. I don't find this closure in The Prisioner of Heaven. I feel cheated. This is a shorter book, and it probably was a publisher's move to get more benefits out of two books instead of one.
I like parts of this book, I still have problems with omniscient and third person point of view, there are things the narrator wouldn't know. But I can suspend disbelieve because things happen so quickly and characters engage the reader in a whirlwind of activity.