A review by cadiva
Handmade Holidays by 'Nathan Burgoine


I absolutely loved this one. It's just a perfect package wrapped in a gorgeous bow, a little bit scuffed and faded at the edges because someone has carefully folded it year on year.

This is everything I love about Christmas, it's about family being who you choose to spend time with because of love, whether they be bound by blood or not. It's about recognising the best gifts aren't those with the vast price tag, but the ones carefully picked out to bring joy and happiness (and okay sometimes they do come with a big shiny price tag too).

Fifteen years is a long time to run a short story over but it absolutely works and I loved all the five friends and their associated other halves (but not one particular person, who was an arse).

I'd love to read more and more Christmases with this bunch.

#ARC received from the publishers Nine Star Press as part of the 2017 Holiday series in return for an honest and unbiased review.