A review by zedcaster
The Savior's Sister by Jenna Moreci


I really loved reading from Leila's POV. And I would argue that her POV was more interesting and engaging. I really didn't like that it was a retelling of the first book. I'd expect this for a spinoff or after the story had finished. But for book two?

The relationship with her father was really messy, in a good way. I liked seeing how her childhood shaped who she became and it made more sense as to why she made the decisions she did and why she didn't trust Tobias initially. The Sovereign, however, was hallow. We don't see his power on display as much as we should for how formidable he's talked up to be. He's more of a antagonist for Leila only yet he's meant to be an evil force Leila is trying to protect her country from. We see his motive, we know what he's up to at the end, but we don't know why. So why should we care? It sadly dampens Leila's arc into a game of cat and mouse with no real payoff at the end.

Besides that, I really enjoyed the "whodonit" flavor that this book brought from her perspective. I just think it had more potential.