A review by simoneclark
The Lost Book of Adana Moreau by Michael Zapata


Thank you, NetGalley and Harlequin, for a complimentary copy of this book! This review reflects my personal opinion.

I had a hard time coming up with a description of my feelings about this book. Thankfully, another reviewer mentioned exactly what I felt was off for me in the book: "Written entirely in omniscient third person past tense narrative with little quoted dialogue, the coldly remote observer style loses readers as the author moves omnisciently between time, place, and character." (Todd Stocklager) I honestly got lost a lot. There was hardly any real dialogue and that made it hard for me to identify with the characters or at least feel some kind of connection to them. The story itself was great and unique. I loved the combination of sci-fi, a bit of fantasy, history, and contemporary. However, the implementation of the concept was not for me.