A review by jwillis81
Depth by Lev AC Rosen


I bought this book based on the strength of the blurb and the promise of the worldbuilding. It sounded like an interesting take on a post-apocalyptic setting, and I'm always a fan of noir-ish private investigator stories. From the first few chapters, I found it to be really promising and have a lot of potential. The details of the world were vibrant, and the characters were set up in a way that kept me wanting to read more.

However, as I read on, I realized that the writing style that I enjoyed at the outset during the expository scenes was prevalent throughout. What worked really well to set the stage and establish characters in the early chapters became tedious and unnecessary detail when applied to minor locations or characters introduced later in the book as the pacing was supposed to be picking up.

Overall, I thought this was an okay read. There were things to like about it and things that needed work. If you don't mind flawed execution in the pursuit of interesting worldbuilding, it might be worth checking this title out.