A review by dhrish
The Other Women by Erin Zak


CW: Cheating, references to drug use and gambling addiction.

Cecily Yates and Francesca Lopez have recently found out that Willow has been with other women. The twist is neither of them knows it is each other. However, Cecily and Francesca seem to get along well enough to actually pursue a relationship with each other, even with the aftermath of Willow's cheating.

I'm going to be incredibly honest. Cheating tropes are my least favourite tropes, there is something inherently messy about them. However, what "Zak" does so incredibly well is she makes the reader focus on the aftermath of cheating and the kind of thoughts that run through a person's head when they found out the news that their partner has been cheating.

Cecily and Francesca really understand what it is like to be hurt in this manner and we see them open up to each other, although they are too afraid to use Willow's name. While there weren't a lot of soft-moments, I did enjoy the ones we were given like glimpses into both women's jobs and family lives. A lot of the characters were used in realistic and interesting ways however I didn't like that Willow was low-key villainized for actions other characters would have probably made when she was in the same situation as her.

I can't speak on the accuracy of the Mexican representation however I can speak on the fear of coming out to a relatively conservative family. While this fear did seem to be a prominent one, "The Other Women" doesn't really tackle it apart from stating that both women were fearful of rejection.

I would put "The Other Women" as slightly heavier than a summer read. While it is fun in some moments, most of the book has quite a serious tone to it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books, Inc for allowing me to read a review copy of "The Other Women" all opinions stated are my own.