A review by bookph1le
Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty


3.5 stars

I'm kind of on the fence. On one hand, I really enjoyed this novel. Moriarty gets more sly and pointed with each book I read, and I'm definitely on board for that. Some of her comments about how very thoroughly books get skewered online for a multitude of reasons were wickedly hilarious--and I say this as someone who freely critiques lots of books on Goodreads, often for some of the reasons Frances mentions. I think there's also something to be said about the pointed commentary on the state of literature as it pertains to how there's this general idea out there that books have to be non-stop action in order to hold an audience's attention. Sure, that gripe is delving into "get off my lawn" territory, but given the kinds of books that are mass produced these days... Well, like I said, there's something to be said about the virtues of reading a book that is slow. Maybe I'm a cranky reader of a certain age, but so many books nowadays feel so in my face with outlandish plots, like they're all trying to outdo one another, vying for my attention. It's like a three-ring circus unfolding on the page, and I do wish publishers would rely less on sleight of hand and more on quality writing to hold readers' attention.

Which makes it ironic that I did like this book as much as I did, I guess. So much of the plot is just straight up outlandish that I found myself wondering if it was purposely delving into satirical territory. I want to believe that it was, because Moriarty is so very sly. The whole time I read this I found myself thinking she must have had a marvelous time while writing it, because almost every word on the page seems full of glee. I liked having that sense. But... I did find some of this a bit too contrived for me to give it a higher rating, even though I was entertained.

The real strength of the novel is in the characters, and I loved these characters. They're all different and all have their own baggage, and I was by turns amused and heartbroken while watching their various stories unfold. I really liked how Moriarty used her characters and their struggles to pack in a lot of social commentary, something she's done with all her books and that reminds me more than a little bit of Jane Austen. No one will ever compare to my beloved Austen, of course, but I enjoy the influence I find in Moriarty's books.

My favorite character by far was Frances. I'm not a romance reader, but I kind of wish I could read Nathaniel's Kiss, just to see if there was any substance to the criticism that so haunted Frances.