A review by whatirinreads_18
Meet Me in the Middle by Alex Light


Content warning: Best friend/family member's accident, grief

God, this book broke my heart. And then fixed it all over again. I also annotated the hell out of Meet Me In The Middle!!

Reading MMITM was a whole experience. It was filled with tears, laughter and of course, hope. It made me want to run to my best friend at 3 AM and hug her and tell her how grateful I am for our friendship. 🥺 The story made me appreciate the people I have around me more.

Alex Light's writing my gosh - how can this woman portray emotions so poetically???? I lost count of the number of lines I underlined - some quotes pierced my heart and made me stop reading and just ponder because "WHAT IN THE LYRICAL WORLD DID I JUST READ?" 😭

Eden and Truman have my whole heart. The story of these two, broken people was everything I needed right now. I loved how they understood each other so well. The conversations they had and the way they shared their grief over Katie's accident were really touching. The author expressed the emotions and the pain the characters felt so realistically.

Meet Me In the Middle follows more of a character-driven story than a plot-driven one. But for the first time (probably), I had no problem with it. Because connecting with Eden and Truman's through their POVs was the best thing ever.

I wish there was an epilogue at the end of the book, though. 😭
* I received a review copy from Harper Collins UK in exchange of an honest review. All opinions are my own. *

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