A review by the_love_librarian
I Wish We Had Forever by Jessica Peterson



I've been looking forward to Jen and Abel's book since the end of I Wish You Were Mine.

Jen and Abel are best described as childhood friends. Abel's father was abusive, and ultimately spent a lot of time with Jen, her brother and their father, who basically raised him. Jen and Abel have always had a crush on each other, but never made it known, though it was obvious to everyone around them. Years later, Jen and Abel are thrown for a loop when they find out Jen's father is diagnosed with cancer, and his wish is that he hopes to see both of them happy one day with their own families. And what better way to give her father what he wants than to pop out with a surprise "elopement"?

This had all the things I like about marriage of convenience, which usually includes two characters that have been pining after each other, along with forced proximity due to Jen moving into Abel's beautiful home. Their time living together gave them a chance to explore their chemistry and finally cross that line from friends to lovers. Jen and Abel brought out the best in each other. Jen helped Abel realize that he is capable of love and family, despite how he grew up. Abel helped Jen break free of her inner people pleaser trait, allowing her to feel comfortable in her own skin and ask for what she wanted.

If you want a sweet, lil spicy contemporary romance, this author's books fit the bill. They are quick reads but, like Jen and Abel's story, still have enough depth to keep me interested. I can't wait to see what the author does with her next series!