A review by wishanem
Blue Moon Rising by Simon R. Green


At first this seemed like a humorous take on the most clich�� of Fantasy tropes. I liked it a lot. A Prince is sent off to slay a dragon, mostly in hopes that he will get killed and remove himself from the line of Royal succession. He rides a sarcastic and cowardly unicorn, and faces danger with wit and practicality.

Within a few chapters, the humor has become more sparse. The fighting is increasingly detailed and more gory. Things get serious. The story never stops flirting with stereotypes, though, which leaves it a bit odd. Uneven. The long section of Medieval court politicking is the slowest and least enjoyable part of the story.

The last third of the book is nearly unrelentingly serious. There are intense examinations of bitterness, betrayal, a sour unrequited love, and a few flavors of disappointment. At times there are deep ideas, but ultimately the climax of the story plays out in the most shallow and predictable way it possibly could. There's a twist which was telegraphed halfway through, and the payoff at the end just isn't very satisfying.