A review by sdbecque
Farther Away by Jonathan Franzen


Just so we're clear, I liked [b:The Corrections|3805|The Corrections|Jonathan Franzen|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1327935887s/3805.jpg|941200] and struggled to get through [b:Freedom|7905092|Freedom|Jonathan Franzen|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1316729686s/7905092.jpg|9585796] making it through the later by sheer force of will, and it left a bad taste in my mouth. I also like to use Franzen as my post-boy for someone who writes fiction about families and relationships, but because he's a man it's considered "serious - cover of Time Magazine - literature" instead of "chick-lit."

That being said, I really like his non-fiction. There's something way more accessible about it and I just like it more. There's a mix of longer form pieces in here and some literary criticism. Easily worth reading alone for his memorial speech at David Foster Wallace's funeral which left me with a big lump in my throat.