A review by michael__
Volpone by Ben Jonson


If you've read some of my reviews, you may have picked up on the fact that I love stories that have a large cast of people that don't really seem to be connected as the rising action moves along, but they all end up coming together towards the story's end. A Tale of Two Cities and The Marrow of Tradition are two examples of those kinds of stories. Volpone can also be considered that kind of story. Too bad it was atrocious.

The basic plot of this play is a really rich guy who acts like he's dying so he can string along a bunch of guys into believing they'll be his heir. Insert into this a plot involving two guys named Politic and Penegrine that really has nothing to with anything.

If you want a more detailed summary of it, you'll either have to read it or ask someone else since it was too convoluted for me to really make sense of it. I usually love complicated storylines, too, but of course, this was an exception to that rule.

After hearing so many comparisons of Jonson to Shakespeare, this was glaringly disappointing. Sigh.